Best Hotel Vastu Consultant In Odisha: Jitu Ji

Best Hotel Vastu Consultant In Odisha

Who is the best hotel vastu consultant in Odisha

Hotel Vastu Consultant In Odisha: Jitu Ji from Odisha Jyotish is one of the best hotel vastu experts in Odisha. He has an experience of more than 24 years in all types of vastu constructions like home vastu, office vastu and factory vastu. He is well experienced to solve any type of vastu problems.

Before talking about Why Jitu Ji is the best in hotel Vastu design, we must have some idea about the importance of hotel vastu.

Hotel Vastu Experts In Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Experts In Vastu For Hotel: As we know Vastu Shastra is the science of creating an architectural design in such a way to attract the positive cosmic energy of the place and gain success. Similarly Vastu Shastra plays an important role in the construction of a hotel building.

Some important points to take care while constructing the Hotel building.

  • Main Gate of the Hotel
  • Location of the hotel plot
  • Location of the reception
  • Location of the rooms in the hotels
  • location of the beds in the hotel rooms
  • Door and windows position of the hotel room
  • Placement of fountains and open space in the hotel
  • Placement of kitchen in the hotel
  • Placement of AC
  • Placement of Bathrooms in the hotel rooms
  • Colors of the hotel

These are all the important facts in the hotel vastu. When a hotel is designed as per the Vastu, it attracts more customers and you get a surprising growth in business. You can consult with best business astrologer in odisha to get an idea about your business strength according to horoscope.

Always try to consult with an expert like Jitu Ji, for your vastu problems. Several fake vastu experts are there on the on the internet, who were mislead you and make you do a heavy investment.

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